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Saturday, April 23, 2011

White iPhone 4 available now at Vodafone UK

Few hours ago we have posted that the white iPhone 4 will be released on 26th April. But now it is available  in Vodafone UK via report posted by Engadget that has received the exclusive pictures of full retail packaging of a white iPhone 4 which is bought by a customer from Vodafone in UK. You can see the picture of this box posted below.

You can see in this picture the white iPhone 4 16GB, Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China The model number of this white iPhone 4 is MC604B/A and also it includes the new proximity sensors.

According to Engadget report that this picture is received from a customer who has bought the white iPhone 4  from Vodafone in UK.
As the story goes, the salesperson rang it up as a black iPhone to help facilitate the transaction, and shortly after the sale went down, Voda sent out a notice to halt sale of these gems "until next week."

Netherlands based site reported that the white iPhone 4 will be released on 27th April. Later this information was confirmed by contacting some of the BelCompany insiders. According to the BelCompany insiders, an internal memo was distributed confirming the availability of white iPhone 4 on 27th April.

Now we are waiting for both 16 and 32 GB model of white iPhone 4 expected that they will come with a contract through T-Mobile. Earlier the 32GB model White iPhone 4 was available on 3 UK store for the price of £159

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