Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 to Android 2.3 – Owners of the SONY Ericsson XPERIA X10 were distraught, but certainly not surprised when SE announced that the X10 would live out its remaining days running on Android 2.1. SONY Ericsson has struggled in rolling out Android updates from the very beginning, so most simply assumed that they would either need to hack the X10 or purchase a new device in order to gain access to the latest Android updates.
But it looks like there may actually be a glimmer of hope at the end of this dark tunnel. A post of on the SONY Ericsson blog has just revealed that SE has had a change of heart and will be bringing Gingerbread (Android 2.3) to the XPERIA X10 after all. The update will be available in late Q2 or early Q3 for most XPERIA X10 handsets which have no carrier branding or customizations.
Android 2.3.3 on the XPERIA X10 will feature a few generic Gingerbread features and some of the enhancements from SONNY Ericsson’s 2011 XPERIA handsets. Since the update is still in development, not many details have been released.
While this is certainly some incredible news for XPERIA X10 owners, the comments on the SE Product Blog are mostly negative. As it turns out, owners of the X10 Mini/MiniPro and X8 are not happy to hear that their handsets will not be getting the same update to Gingerbread. We certainly understand their frustration, but we’d like to point out that the X10 is a far superior product when compared to the other XPERIA handsets from 2010.
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