But, before installing, you have to know that iOS 6 still in beta version which means that it’s buggy and may contain errors. Moreover, there is now jailbreak available for iOS 6 so far.
Before Upgrading to iOS 6 beta 1 – Here’s the supported devices :
- iPhone 4S
- iPhone 4
- iPhone 3GS
- iPad 3 (The New iPad)
- iPad 2
- iPod Touch 4G
- iPod Touch 3G
How to install iOS 6 beta 1 on iPhone, iPad or iTouch without UDID (without Developer account):
Requirements:Step 1: Connect your iPhone into your computer via USB and iTunes hold (Alt in Mac) (Shift in Windows) and click on the ‘restore’ button then point it to iOS 5.1.1 you download above. Wait for between 10 and 15 minutes for the new OS to be moved over.
Step 2: Make sure that you resorted your iDevice as a New Device
Step 3: Once resorted, press Shift+Left click on “Check for Update” button, then point iTunes to the download iOS 6 beta 1. Wait for between 10 and 15 minutes until finishing installation. Congratulations.
How to install iOS 6 beta 1 Without developer Account (Without UDID) [Video]:
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