Jailbreaking sure is fun. Apple recently, in iOS 4.3. to be exact, teased everyone with multitouch gestures on iPad. They never released it in the final version though. It was for developers only and for testing before making it all perfect and clean for consumers. But, they never removed the code or whatever the heck is going on behind the iOS. So there was this complex way of enabling it through Xcode and which requires a developer account with Apple.
So anyways, news is we have a new tweak in Cydia to activate multitouch gestures on your iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G. Unfortunately this doesn’t work on iPad 1 at the moment. But the developer is trying to find a solution for that.
[ Update ] The guide has been updated, now supports iPhone 3GS and iPad. Enjoy!
You need to have a jailbroken iPhone 4 or iPod Touch on iOS 4.3 or iOS 4.3.1. Here are the guides to Jailbreak using Redsn0w, PwnageTool for MAC and Sn0wbreeze on iOS 4.3.1.
Here is how to enable multitouch gestures on your iPhone 4 or on an iPod Touch 4G:
[ Update ] There are now two procedures for this. The second procedure works on iPhone 3GS and iPad as well.
Procedure 1
1. Go to Cydia.
2. Go straight to “Search” tab in the bottom.
3. Type in “ MT Gestures”.
4. Tap in the app and from the top right Install it.
5. Once installed, head over to “WinterBoard” and find MT Gesture settings and enable them.
Procedure 2 to Enable Multitouch Gestures on iPad and iPhone 3GS
1. Open Cydia
2. Go to Manage > Source > Edit > Add and type in “
3. Once you have the repo added, go to Search from the Cydia bottom bar and type in “MT” you’ll find couple of options. MT Gestures (WB) version worked for us so give it a try. You can also try the other options according to your device. Tap on a version to install it, your device will reboot.
4. After the reboot open Winterboard from General > Settings > Winterboard or from the icon on your springboard. Go to themes section and enable Multitouch gestures for your device. Respring and you are done.
Let us know if there are any issues or if its not working for you. Those with the working Multitouch tell us how you feel. We know the screen is really small to use four or five figures but still it is coming in the next iOS, probably in iOS 5.
These are the gestures this tweak supports:
Close fingers to get back to Homescreen (with four or five fingers);
Scroll up or down to show/hide multitasking tray (with four or five fingers);
Scroll left or right to switch between apps (with four or five fingers).