Here is a complete step-by-step instruction on how to install it on your iPhone 4.
Disclaimer: The file provided in this article is not our property. We are not responsible for any damage caused by this process.
STEP 1: Firstly you need to upgrade your iPhone 4 to iOS 5 or iOS 5.0.1 firmware and jailbreak it.(Can be found in IMeNu)
STEP 2: Download the following file from here.(Password:
STEP 3: As the download is in the Deb file, you need to download and install IFunbox for Windows or DiskAid for mac and copy “h1siri.deb” which you downloaded in step 2 and copy it to / private / var / root / Media / Cydia / AutoInstall /
If the “AutoInstall” folder doesn’t exists, then create an empty folder and put the ”h1siri.deb” file in it.
If the “AutoInstall” folder doesn’t exists, then create an empty folder and put the ”h1siri.deb” file in it.
STEP 4: After rebooting, open cydia and let it load completely. Now you can search for “h1siri” after it loads successfully. Thats it, now do a reboot again!
STEP 5: When the above steps are done, reboot your iPhone 4 and do a tethered boot using redsn0w. For the first time, go to “Settings” -> International- > “Language” -> Select “English” back to main menu.
STEP 6: Activate siri from settings menu as shown in the video below. NOTE: Due to tremendous load on CD Team’s servers, the app may not work sometimes. So don’t loose hope. Try again! I have tried this app myself and confirm that its working very well. It’s only due to overloaded servers that it is having trouble connecting to the servers. You can fix this error by restarting your device couple of times.
To fix your camera-recording issues after installing H1Siri, please download this file and save it on your Desktop. Next step is to SSH your device, if you are using Windows you can use WinSCP and if you’re using Mac OS X you can use Cyberduck, however, we have used iPhone Explorer for the demonstration.
Once you’re logged in navigate to Root/System/Library/Caches/, you should now see a file named “dyld_shared_cache_armv7“. Either remove it or replace it with the file you have just downloaded and saved on your Desktop. Now do a reboot and try shooting HD video recording.
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