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Saturday, May 28, 2011

AndroidLoader is Now Available for iOS Device [Video]

AndroidLoader is a new Cydia Tweak that allow you to launch and view the Apps in one place and it's from Android Style, AndroidLoader is available for all iOS device except  iPad but soon it will work on it, The Tweak may take over Springboard.

 Also AndroidLoader is a new customizable by using Winterboard or Dreamboard, you can download AndroidLoader from Modmyi for $2.99, before I go here's a small video shows AndroidLoader Functions :


The title says it all! Yes, you can now get very alpha version of Flash (aka Frash) running right on your iPhone 4. Previously, we showed you how to install Flash (Frash) on iPad. And now folks at Grant Pannell site has managed to compile an iPhone 4 version of Flash. The credit for this of course goes to Comex, the guy behind Spirit and JailbreakMe tools for iOS devices. Without his hard work, this surely wouldn’t have been possible.

The installation instructions..

Warning Note: This guide is for testing & educational purposes only. Follow it on your own risk. I’m not responsible for any loss of important data or malfunctioning of your iPhone.

Step 1: First up, you will need to jailbreak your iOS device. Follow the guide posted here to jailbreak your iPhone 4 with JailbreakMe, here to jailbreak your iPod touch 3G and 2G, and here to jailbreak your iPad.

Step 2: Next, you will need to install OpenSSH. To do this, Open Cydia, touch on “Search” tab and then search for “OpenSSH”. Install this app and reboot your iPhone.

Step 3: Connect your iPhone with your computer. Make sure iTunes is not running.

Step 4: Download and install Cyberduck for Mac or WinSCP for Windows. Enter the following details to login to your iPhone:


Server: The IP address of your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch. Settings –> WiFi –>
Username: root
Password: alpine
Protocol: SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)

Step 5: Download Frash-0.02.deb file from the source link given below. (Link: Step 6: Navigate to /var/root/Media directory and create a folder named “Cydia”. Inside this Cydia folder, create another folder and name it “AutoInstall”.

Step 7: Copy over the Frash-0.02.deb file in this “AutoInstall” folder.

Step 8: Restart your iPhone and you are done. Now simply browse any Flash based site, click on the “Flash” text to play the Flash content.