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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Super Steve Bros. i.e Going To Be The Next Hit in App Store

Guy’s we have been playing Super Mario Bros since childhood, and also have played the updated versions on Nintendo WII. Every time we see the changes, they are just the graphics and audio the story remains the same O_O We have seen out on World Wide Web a game by FRUIT Computers named as Super Steve Bros. This was though as a rumor but after reading this, it click’s that we may be playing this game on our iOS devices
Right now we are in alpha, we expect to reach beta (and send some lucky early fans invitations) in the coming month(s). The game well see the light before the holidays hopefully in time for your brand new iPhone 5.
This was said by Marcos Navarro, CEO and Founder of FRUIT Computer. It’s expected to hit the App Store in the coming fall.
Razorian Fly says
Carrying the tag line “Was George Orwell right about 1984?”, Super Steve Bros is reportedly set to tell the story about Apple and “BIG Blue” (IBM). Stating that the game will “change how platformer games are played”, FRUITcomputer notes that Ninja Steve was just a test to see if Apple really would accept the real deal into the App Store.

You can follow Super Steve Bros on Twitter to stay up to date with them.

Fix Error 3194 when Upgrading to Stock / Custom 4.3.3 IPSW Firmware

Some of users have faced error 3194 when they tried to upgrade their iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 4G, 3G or iPad to stock or custom iOS 4.3.3 ipsw custom firmware, iH8sn0w has just mentioned a way to fix this problem.

Removing Cydia's SHSH Caching Server to fix 3194 error:
  • Download TinyUmbrella from
  • Launch it.
  • Click on the "Advanced" tab.
  • Uncheck "Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit"
  • Click on "Apply Changes"
  • Reboot your PC/Mac

Redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 Fixes Side Switch and Vibration Problems - iPhone 4, 3GS after 4.3.3 Jailbreak

Dev-team has just released Redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 for Windows and Mac to fix iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 side switch and vibration issue.

PwnageTool and redsn0w have been updated to include a fix for the iPhone3GS/i4 side switch vibration issue. Thanks to @i0n1c for tracking this down (even though he doesn’t even have an iPhone!).

If you’re already jailbroken at 4.3.3 (by either redsn0w or custom IPSW), you can install this fix simply by running redsn0w rc16 over your existing jailbreak. Just uncheck the “Install Cydia” option and check any other options you want. The fix will be installed no matter what you’ve selected. This is safe for even ultrasn0w unlockers to do (because redsn0w itself won’t update your baseband…only an iTunes stock IPSW update/restore will do that).

redsn0w rc16 has a few more improvements: Windows 7 and Vista users should no longer need to set their CPU affinity…just run redsn0w as Administrator in XP compatiblity mode. Also, the “verbose boot” option for old-bootrom iPhone 3GS has been fixed for 4.3.3 (remember: old-bootrom 3GS users can even have custom bootlogos that show right at power-up). Enjoy!
If you still didn't jailbreak your device on iOS 4.3.3 you can follow our previous guide, the steps are the same, just Click Here to untethered jailbreak iOS 4.3.3 but you have to use RedsnOw 0.9.6rc16.

Download Redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 for Windows
Download Redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 for Mac

iPad Restaurant Menu in China [Video]

iPad 2 is an interesting device many restaurants in China are using the iPad as a visual menu to order your meal from.

MicGadget reports, As you see in the pic below you can choose the picture of the food & the meal on the iPad menu an order you want, This kind of visual menus might be extra appealing to those who don’t speak or read the native language's really a good idea

the use of iPad menu would increase its competitiveness among the others, where most customers are more likely to enter the restaurant that have the iPad menu instead of the others that have the regular menus. that's very good.

SlideAway: New Tweak Brings Android Like Unlock Screen To Your iOS Device

We guys have seen many Android like themes, unlocks, boot logo but this is just the same thing as in Android (Only the unlock screen), the name of this lock screen is Slide Away. The interface will contain a bar showing two new icons which can be selected via Slide Away Loader Preference in the settings and you will be able to access them directly. You can also control your brightness on the lock screen itself.

Preferences can be adjusted by SlideAway Loader Preference Settings in the iPhone: from here you can change the duration of the animation, the gestures and change the buttons that appear on screen. Finally, all aspects of SlideAway will be fully customizable and theme-makers can develop appropriate projects to ensure a unique lockscreen of each user.