Unlock your iPhone 4S on iOS 5 and 5.0.1 by R-SIM
How to use R-SIM to Unlock iPhone 4 S ? last week we told you about the TPSIM , today we have got new hardware unlock solution called R-SIM.
The R-SIM is a turbo SIM card for your iPhone 4S that will unlock your handset, allowing you to use it on any compatible GSM network in the world, by R-SIM you can unlock base band of your device by two ways. One is Manual mode (Enter 112 mode) and other one is Auto mode.
R-SIM iPhone 4S unlock support following basebands :
- 1.0.11 iOS 5.0 (Build 9A334)
- 1.0.13 iOS 5.0.1 (Build 9A405)
- 1.0.14 iOS 5.0.1 (Build 9A406)
How to use R-SIM to Unlock iPhone 4 S
Following are the instructions to Unlock iPhone 4 S with any of the two ways.
First way : (Enter 112 Modes) Manual Mode
Step 1: First you have to switch your iPhone 4S on. Then place R-Sim SIM tray with the R-Sim inter-poser and unofficial SIM together into your phone.
Step 2: Now wait until the symbol of your phone turns from light green to green.
Step 3: To check the STK applications menu, enter into the phone setting menu like this (Settings => Phone => SIM Applications.)
Step 6: “ENTER 112 Mode” will be the first option, click it and then return back to the main menu.
Step 7: When Message Window appears click “Accept”. After waiting for 3-5 seconds then dial 112. Once you are connected, you should not hang up. Slowly, take the sim card out from the iPhone and then insert it back again. Now wait until the iPhone hangs-up itself. If it does not and you see “no service” on top left screen, hang-up it by yourself.
Step 8: Then your phone service provider will be searched.
You should keep on waiting until you see the phone service provider’s name. Manual set up is completed here. Your iPhone is ready to use now. and you have to be aware that you would need to repeat all the steps again if you turn off your iPhone or your battery drains out completely.
Second way (Auto mode)
Step 1: You have to follow the above (Step 1 to Step 3).Step 2: After selecting the operator, choose “*Auto Mode” and then turn your iPhone 4S off.Step 3: Then turn your iPhone on and appearing the Unlock iPhone Message Window prompt click “ACCEPT”. Then wait for 5 seconds (you can count to 5) and Dial 112. Put out the sim card while calling 112. When you see the messages, Click “Yes”, put SIM card in, and then end this call. Step 4: Your iPhone unlocks after 1 min.
How to Unlock iPhone 4S base band with R-SIM Card [Video Manual]
the R-SIM is available from EachSupplier for $57.99. The shipping is free. (VIA)