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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Downgrade iOS 5.0.1 To 4.3.3, 4.3.5 On iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad 2/1, iPod touch [How To Tutorial]

iOS 5.0.1 has been released -  and, chances are, you may be looking to downgrade to an earlier version of iOS because of one reason or another. Today, we’re going to guide you on how to do exactly that so you can go back to whichever version of iOS you are comfortable with.

Before you continue, though, keep in mind that you can only downgrade if you have previously backed up SHSH blobs for whichever version of iOS (4.x and below only) you wish to downgrade to. This is because of certain security checks used by Apple to ensure people stick to the latest version of iOS. It is also important to note that as of this writing, iOS 5.0 firmware is still being signed. You can downgrade to iOS 5.0 as long as it is being signed by Apple. The moment Apple stops signing iOS 5.0, you wont be able to downgrade to it even if you have SHSH blobs saved for it. This applies to iOS 5.x only, explanation for which can be found here.
NOTE: This guide is not applicable for iPhone 4S since there is no public jailbreak available for it, yet.
Step 1: Download the version of iOS to which you wish to downgrade to:
Step 2:  Connect your iOS device with your computer via USB cable. Boot into Device Firmware Update (DFU) mode. To do this, you will need to first turn off your device, press and hold Power + Home buttons for about 10 seconds, release the Power button while holding Home button for an extra 10 seconds. You’ll know when you’re in DFU mode, this is when the screen will gocompletely blank.
Step 3: Navigate to Windows > System 32 > drivers > etc on Windows or just etc on OS X. Locate a file named hosts, make a backup copy of it and then open it up with a text editor.

Step 4: Add the following code to hosts and save the file:

Step 5: Open up iTunes and choose your iOS device from the sidebar. While holding the Shift(on Windows) or Alt (on OS X) key, click on Restore and choose the firmware file you downloaded in Step 1.
Step 6: You may receive Error 10xx after doing this, but there is no need to worry about it.

You must download a program like TinyUmbrella or Fix Recovery, open it up and click on Exit Recovery to get out of the error.

That’s it!
If you followed the steps correctly, your device will now be downgraded from iOS 5.0.1 to the firmware of your choice. You now may want to jailbreak your device on whichever firmware you chose: use JailbreakMe 3.0 if you’re on iOS 4.3.3 for untethered jailbreak, or tethered jailbreak using Redsn0w if you’re on iOS 4.3.5. iOS 5.0 can also be jailbroken tethered, or semi-tetheredusing Redsn0w.
Last but not the least, make sure you revert the changes you made to hosts file in Step 4above to start receiving future iOS updates normally in iTunes from Apple’s servers.

Source: RMP

iOS 5.0.1 For iPhone, iPad, iPod touch Can Be Jailbroken Using Redsn0w [How-To Tutorial]

Hot on the heels of the developer release, Apple has just released the first of presumably many updates to iOS 5 – dubbed as iOS 5.0.1 – and just like that, it’s jailbroken!

We have tested and can confirm that the latest version of Redsn0w can tether-jailbreak the just released iOS 5.0.1 on iPhoneiPad, and iPod touch. Unfortunately, the jailbreak is indeed tethered (as you might have guessed), but on the bright side, the ‘SemiTether’ patch continues to work through to this latest version, so your device will boot, but unfortunately will not function to a satisfactory degree until you connect to a Redsn0w yielding PC or Mac. More details are available at the bottom of this page.
For all the benefits attainable through jailbreak, we certainly feel that a tethered or semi-tethered jailbreak is better than no jailbreak at all – wouldn’t you agree?
The latest release of Redsn0w works (as reliably as clockwork) to jailbreak iOS 5.0.1. The following is a tutorial detailing how to perform a successful tethered jailbreak using redsn0w.

iPhone 4 GSM, jailbroken on iOS 5.0.1
Important things to consider:
  • This doesn’t work with the dual-core iPad 2 or iPhone 4S devices. Those running an iPad 2 on 4.3.3 can jailbreak using JailbreakMe 3.0.
  • iPhone 4SiPad 2, and iOS 5 users on other devices are advised to stay away from iOS 5.0.1 if they want untethered jailbreak.
  • If you use GEVEY to unlock, skip to the bottom of the tutorial
  • As mentioned above, this is tethered or semi-tethered, so prepare for a considerable amount of booting.
With that out of the way, let’s begin!
Step 1: Download the latest version of iTunes (10.5) for Windows or Mac from this link.
Step 2: Back your iDevice up through iTunes. We’re not expecting anything to go majorly wrong – it’s just a precautionary measure.
Step 3: Update your device to iOS 5.0.1.
Step 4: Download the latest version of Redsn0w for Windows or Mac.
Step 5: Run Redsn0w. Select “Extras”, followed by “Select IPSW”, and point it to the iOS 5.0 firmware file, which can be downloaded from this link. Select the appropriate firmware file tailored for your iDevice.

Step 6: Then hit "Jailbreak", and select "Install Cydia". Follow the steps through DFU mode, and then Redsn0w will apply the jailbreak.

How-To Boot Tethered:
Step 7: Once everything is complete, you will need to boot tethered. Launch Redsn0w, select "Extras", followed by "Just Boot". You will need to perform this action every time your device is switched off or rebooted.

Booting Semi-Tethered (Optional)
After testing, we can confirm that the "SemiTether" patch is alive and kicking on iOS 5.0.1. As stated, it allows you to boot your device, but with limited use of features, so you will have to boot from computer in order to get your device working perfectly again. It’s free, and you can grab it over at the BigBoss repo: You can follow the complete instructions posted here on how to download and install SemiTether on your iOS device.

For Unlockers Only:
If you unlock your iPhone 4 using a GEVEY SIM interposer, you’ll need to create a custom .IPSW, which will preserve your baseband.
To achieve this, open Redsn0w, select "Extras", then "Custom IPSW", then point Redsn0w to your iOS 5.0.1 file, and let Redsn0w do the rest.
Finally, enter pwned DFU mode (Extras > Pwned DFU) and restore to your custom firmware via iTunes. Once complete, you’ll be able to unlock your device with GEVEY once more.

Source: RMP

How To Enable The Hidden FaceTime Over 3G Feature In iOS 5

Although it’s rather disappointing that quite a few prospective new features of iOS 5 didn’t actually make the final cut, it’s always nice to find some of them tucked away – hidden in a secret bolt-hole for later ejection.

The trouble for Apple – and other creators of mobile operating systems is, once it nears completion, it’s easier to disable certain features rather than completely write them out, which often has implications on other elements of the software’s framework. So they hide it, sort out the main issues, and discreetly remove it when the time is right.
This makes it quite fun for those with a little free time and an eye for discovering hidden gems – such as the panoramic camera mode which Apple toyed with, but decided not to accompany the iPhone 4S 8 mega-pixel snapper with.
The latest unlockable discovery, which comes via FSM, is FaceTime over 3G – something which as long been achievable with jailbreak tweaks such as MiddleWhat and My3G amongst scores of others.
As usual, we’ve provided a very simple how-to, detailing how you can activate your iOS 5 device’s FaceTime over 3G capabilities. Unfortunately, it’s jailbreak only, and since the dual-core iPhone 4S and iPad 2 have yet to be exploited on Apple’s latest mobile OS, it’s pretty much restricted to the iPhone 4 since none pre-dating it have a front-facing camera.
Enable FaceTime Over 3G In iOS 5 (Natively):
Step 1: If you don’t already have it, purchase iFile through Cydia. It’s by far the simplest way to browse the contents of your device.
Step 2: Browse through to /System/Library/CoreServices/
Step 3: Open the file named N90AP.plist

Step 4: Underneath
whilst taking care not to leave any line spaces.

Step 5: You’re done – you can now enjoy FaceTime over 3G without having to use any third-party applications!
Continually adding tweaks to your device can sometimes be detrimental, with chances of freezes, crashes and the like obviously slightly increasing compared with stock. Thus, it’s better for everyone involved if Apple incorporates the features natively rather than edging consumers towards the alternatives found in Cydia.
In order to source the undercover feature, you will need a jailbroken iOS 5 device. For jailbreaking iOS 5 tethered using Redsn0w, you can follow our complete step by step guideposted here, or here if you want to use Sn0wbreeze on Windows. Since jailbreak on iOS 5 is currently limited to tethered boot only, you can install ‘SemiTether’ patch (instructions here) from Cydia to make your jailbreak semi-tethered on iOS 5. For those of you on iOS 5.0.1 can follow our instructions posted here on how to jailbreak using Redsn0w or here using Sn0wbreeze.

Source: Redmondpie